
It’s your data.
Invest it wisely.

A survey panel owned exclusively by members, empowers you to exchange your data and opinions for company shares.

What are your shares worth?

As you share more data and opinions you earn more shares and those shares have the opportunity to earn dividends. This structure is so unique it had to be registered and cleared through the Securities and Exchange Commission. By investing your data through survey opinions and digital behavior, you have the opportunity to receive returns for as long as you hold the shares as opposed to a one-time payout like other panels. The more valuable the company becomes due to growth and profitability the bigger the opportunity to make money from dividends. It’s a win win for everyone.

Put your valuable data to work.


Join others sharing data and help build a strong community.


Your data is collected and
shared through the most
secure channels.


Only share the data you’re
comfortable with.


By sharing data and earning shares you’re one of the owners.

Not just surveys.
Earn Additional Shares for
Digital Data.

Empower yourself with privacy, control and compensation for sharing your valuable digital data. Download our app to safely track your digital activity across all your devices. The longer you “share” your digital data the more shares you earn.

Your Data.
A Smart Investment.


  • Testing a Blog Post
    This is a test post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus imperdiet aliquam convallis. Suspendisse sed nulla pretium, posuere leo in, venenatis turpis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi pretium nisi ex, eu euismod tortor porta ut. Nam eu mauris sed nibh scelerisque venenatis. […]